Are you tired of experiencing high blood sugars? Don't want another lecture from your doctor? Then you're in the right place!
I'm here to tell you that you don't need to follow diets like keto and carnivore to keep blood sugars in check. In fact they can do more harm that good - but more on that later.
Over the years, I've had patients who have struggled with having high blood sugars since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Here's what I've heard from them time and time again:
- Their blood sugar was higher in the morning than it was the night before.
- They miss eating carbohydrates and even avoided having their favorite cake for their birthday.
- They have no idea where to get started because their doctor gave them no advice on how to manage their blood sugar.
I'm here to help you take the frustration and confusion out of managing your blood sugar. In this free guide, you'll learn all about:
- The top 3 mistakes leading to high blood sugar.
- Why blood sugar control matters.
- The next steps you can take to control your blood sugar for good.